
Greater Bay Area Brand Licensing Industry Development Forum is returning! - More conference events at Licensing China

In addition to presenting promising opportunities, the show will awe and enthral you with a rich array of events and exclusive features over three days.

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For further information on Messe Frankfurt's services in Greater China, please contact us at the location closest to you:

35/F, China Resources Building
26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel:    +852 2802 7728
Fax:   +852 2598 8771

8F, No. 288, Sec. 6, Civic Boulevard
Xinyi District, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Tel:    +886 2 8729 1099
Fax:   +886 2 2747 6656

11/F, Office Tower 1, Century Metropolis
1229 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area
Shanghai  200122, P.R. China
Domestic tel:   400 613 8585
Overseas tel: +86 21 6160 1155
Fax:                 +86 21 6168 0788

Room 1721, Tower 2, Bright China Chang An Building
No 7 Jian Guo Men Nei Avenue, East District
Beijing 100005, P.R. China
Domestic tel:   400 613 8585
Overseas tel:   +86 21 6160 1155
Fax:                   +86 10 6510 2799

Unit B2616, China Shine Plaza
No.9 Linhexi Road, Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510610, P.R.China
Tel:   +86 20 3825 1558
Fax:  +86 20 3825 1400

Room 1520,  Dongshan Plaza
No 69 Xian Lie Zhong Road, Yuexiu District
Guangzhou 510095, China
Tel:   +86 20 8358 7037
Fax:  +86 20 8358 7016

609, Building C, Dongfang Xin Tiandi
Caitian Road, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen 518026, P.R. China
Tel:   +86 755 8299 4989
Fax:  +86 755 8299 2015

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